Our Queer Divinities
Our order recognizes a pantheon of eight Queer deities, all of them having given us names that are both endearment and title, legend and gift.

We honor the Divine Youth, who restores wonder to our hearts and minds, reminding us to take each experience in with fresh eyes and an open heart.

We honor the Explorer, who shows us courage in the face of the unknown and the known and feeds our hearts in times of fear.

We honor the Lover, who opens our hearts to love when we think it impossible, and who guards us when the boundaries of the heart are threatened.

We honor the Healer, who guides our hands and hearts through love into healing, teaching us to embrace the flames and reject the panacea.

We honor the Warrior, who brings us strength when we are vulnerable, challenging injustice and preventing abuse with shield, sword, and strategy.

We honor the Liberator (or Androgyne), who offers balance in a mad world and embodies the flow that defies duality.

We honor the Mystic (or Shaman), who delivers gnosis from between the seen and unseen and gives witness to queer power.

We honor the Elder, who guides us towards wisdom, sharing the spirit of calm reflection and sage advice.
The Queer Divine reveal themselves to us, and we learn more through our interactions with them and sharing of knowledge between one another.
The Fellowship holds that the divine has many names and many faces. Our understanding of them evolves in reflection of our continuing ethic of emergent revelation.