ShadowDance – Seattle 2024
University Friends Meeting Hall 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, Washington, United StatesOur journey through the labyrinth on this ShadowDance takes us to find those who have come before, and those who are yet to be. To the Ancestors and Descendants. We invite you to bring representations of the Queer Ancestors and Descendants to place upon our altar during the ritual. We will also be making space...
Ancestors Ritual + Workshop – Chicago
Malliway Bros. Spells, Charms, & Potions 1407 W Morse Ave., Chicago, Illinois, United StatesThe Fellowship of the Phoenix, A Queer pagan order, invites you to join us at Malliway Brothers Witchcraft shop for workshop and ritual! Honoring the Ancestors Workshop @ 7pm sharp In this workshop we will learn how to find and connect with our ancestors who are our family, friends, and teachers. We will learn how...
Fellowship Hangout
Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for some virtual social time – no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer pagans. Feel free to come and go as you wish. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:
Chicago Temple Meeting
Chicago Temple has a Zoom meeting at 7pm Central Time (on the 2nd Thursday) each month to plan our activities and handle any other business. Seekers are welcome to attend. Planning for Winter Ritual at this meeting. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:
Fellowship Hangout
Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for some virtual social time – no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer pagans. Feel free to come and go as you wish. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:
Quietus – Seattle 2024
Join us as we honor the Queer Divinity known as the Elder. The evening will be a potluck feast and ceremony rolled into one. Bring a favorite holiday dish to pass in celebration of our spirits and our community. Let's light up the darkest part of the year together. Throughout the night there will be...
Chicago Temple Meeting
Chicago Temple has a Zoom meeting at 7pm Central Time (on the 2nd Thursday) each month to plan our activities and handle any other business. Seekers are welcome to attend. Planning for online Hearthfire Ritual at this meeting. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:
Ritual of Winter – Chicago
Life Force Arts Center 1609 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL, United StatesWe are in the darkest time of year. In Chicago this is the time of cold temperatures and snow. So, we come together in community to celebrate the blessings of winter and the warmth of the fires of transformation. We invite you to join us in celebration of The Elder and Winter season. We will...
Fellowship Hangout
Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for some virtual social time – no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer pagans. Feel free to come and go as you wish. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:
Hearthfire Ritual – Online!
Share in hearthfire magic with fellow queerfolk online. We will celebrate the gradual turning toward spring by blessing our own homes. Call it spiritual spring cleaning! We encourage everyone to have (1) some symbol of your hearthfire--a candle (LED counts) or something similar--and (2) a small bowl of water. If you aren't able to have...
Chicago Temple Meeting
Note time change: Meeting starts at 6 pm! Chicago Temple has a Zoom meeting each month to plan our activities and handle any other business. Seekers are welcome to attend. Elections for new Chicago Council at this meeting. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:
SpiritSong 2025 – Seattle
University Friends Meeting - Seattle 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesSpiritSong is the Fellowship's first ritual of the new year, and it traditionally honors the Divine Youth and energies of Wonder. In Seattle, this usually means sharing a playful vibe, arts and crafts, and lots of laughter as we anticipate the coming of spring.