Fellowship Hangouts
Join us for some virtual social time - no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer folk. Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96730523923?pwd=ajlLQlhuNkF2dERkQjJxbHcyU3JHZz09
FireDance – Seattle 2022
University Friends Meeting - Seattle 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesJoin us as we honor the Queer Divinity known as the Lover! Through the course of our celebration we will assert our place in this world as Queer people, magical and fierce and strong. We will meet the Divine and receive Their gift. We will journey through the Labyrinth together and embrace that which lies...
Fellowship Hangouts
Join us for some virtual social time - no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer folk.
Chicago Temple Monthly Meeting
Chicago Temple has a Zoom meeting at 6pm Central Time on the second Monday of each month to plan our activities and handle any other business. Seekers are welcome to attend.
Fellowship Hangouts
Join us for some virtual social time - no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer folk. ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/97543009683?pwd=THJOZnRhcUlBaS9WZ0ZqSzBvdnVJQT09
Apotheosis – Seattle 2022
Camp Long 5200 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United StatesJoin us as we honor the Queer Divinity known as the Healer! Through the course of our celebration we will assert our place in this world as Queer people, magical and fierce and strong. We will meet the Divine and receive Their gift. We will journey through the Labyrinth together and embrace that which lies...
Fellowship Hangouts
Join us for some virtual social time - no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer folk. JOIN HERE > https://us06web.zoom.us/j/97543009683?pwd=THJOZnRhcUlBaS9WZ0ZqSzBvdnVJQT09
SoulSong – Seattle 2022
Camp Long 5200 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United StatesJoin us as we honor the Queer Divinity known as the Warrior. Through the course of our celebration we will reclaim our place in this world as Queer people, magical and fierce and strong. We will meet the Divine and receive Their gift. We will journey through the Labyrinth together and face that which lies...
Fellowship Hangouts
Join us for some virtual social time - no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer folk.
Chicago Temple Monthly Meeting
Wednesday this month! Chicago Temple has a Zoom meeting at 6pm Central Time each month to plan our activities and handle any other business. Seekers are welcome to attend.
Fellowship Hangouts
Join us for some virtual social time - no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer folk.
CANCELLED – Ecstasis – Seattle 2022
University Friends Meeting - Seattle 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesWe're afraid that Ecstasis is cancelled due to a very sudden scheduling conflict with our hosts. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Join us as we honor the Queer Divinity known as the Liberator, who brings both balance and ecstasy through the alchemical destruction of binary thinking. Through the course of our celebration we will...