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Please note date change! Chicago Temple has a Zoom meeting at 7pm Central Time (on the 2nd Monday) each month to plan our activities and handle any other business. Seekers are welcome to attend. Planning for Harvest Ritual at this meeting. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89277244172?pwd=VTBsY09DK2ZmWFJJbHpML1Z0elJiZz09
Workshop at 5:45 Walking with the Spirits We’ve talked cosmology and magical theory, we’ve talked about achieving personal balance and taking control of your life, now it’s time to talk about first steps into working with the spirits. Join us at 5:45 pm on Saturday, August 17 and learn about connecting to ancestor spirits, land...
Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for some virtual social time – no agenda or set topic, just drop in for some conversation with fellow queer pagans. Feel free to come and go as you wish. Copy and paste the Zoom link into your browser:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87284323535?pwd=hq1PIT3h4rIejN6zooqKJmZ4LUBPP4.1