A Daily Practice with the Fellowship
Prayers & Reflections Honoring the Dark Tide
Join us in the dark time of the year through to SpiritSong (Feb 15) join us in a community-supported exercise in daily practice.
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Reasons & Intent
Why is this being offered?
To say that the world is hard right now is a grievous understatement. It’s been this way for a very long time, truthfully, and many of us are understandably exhausted. When we’re so weary and the climate is so tumultuous, it’s natural to feel as though we’re being tossed about in a storm without anchor or rudder.
When the external world no longer offers a solid foundation, it’s a time to reconnect to both ourselves and one another. We look to our values, our stories, our loved ones – all those things that remind us of who we are and what’s important to us.
A daily spiritual practice can help with that. It’s a way to remind ourselves of what we live for and to search for that answer if we’ve forgotten or lost it. If we root ourselves in our own spirit then we can maintain our open hearts and our connections without getting lost in the tumult.
It’s personal work, for sure, but that doesn’t mean that we have to go about it alone. When one of the things most important to us is community, healing and security won’t be found in isolation.
As to intent, try to think of this as an opportunity rather than a challenge.
Regular spiritual practice can contribute many things to your life – stress should never be one of them. That’s not to say that challenge and even stress won’t make an appearance in your life and even your spiritual or occult practice overall, but there’s no need to pile on!
When setting your intent, focus on your purpose but try your best to avoid expectations. Intentions help us to keep our actions aligned with our goals and redirect us in the present, encouraging embodiment in the present. Think of intentions as goals that align your desires and values. They help us know how to act without necessarily dictating what we must do.
Expectations are stricter, being an attachment to a rigidly defined result. The assumptions we make and sense of anticipation that arises from our expectations can have us so focused on what “must” be that we lose sight of our experience in the moment.
This is an opportunity for growth and focusing on what’s important to us. Give yourself permission to take it day by day.
Through doing this, we ultimately hope to help us all go forth back into the blooming world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
Out of the Flames, Into the Light.
Tous kya te.
Keep it flexible!
As stated above – this is ultimately personal work. While doing it, though, we can still support one another and be supported in turn.
Because of that, there isn’t any sort of strict format. We’ve laid out suggested themes or concepts to consider on each day of the week, loosely tied to the heavenly body usually associated with that day.
If you miss a day, or a few, that’s nothing to be ashamed of or worried about! If one day involves 20 minutes of ritual and contemplation and the next 3 are just closing your eyes and breathing in your intent once before bed, that counts! Be gentle with yourself. Rigidity doesn’t breed resilience – adaptability does. Let your intent be about the outcome – not the metrics.
At its core, this is meant to be a chance to check in on ourselves at least once a day. That could be accomplished through prayer, journaling, meditation, or any number of other methods and tools. Try not to constantly switch it up – this is meant to provide a sense of continuity that will eventually become comfort and familiarity. Repetition helps the thing to become easier in the future.
Do this in your way, as time allows.
Our practice and contemplation will be done in our own time. If you wish to partner up with someone to practice with, though, that’s fine! Perhaps someone else on the Discord channel would be open to partnering up.
If you’d like to have a calendar to remind you of the theme for a particular day, I’ve made one that you can subscribe to here.
We’ll have a couple of different ways to stay in touch with each other.
Within the first few days after ShadowDance we’ll open a new channel on Discord for people to check in, share thoughts and experiences if desired, ask questions, and just generally provide some small sense of community as we all do our own small practice each day.
There’s no requirement to participate, but if you’d like to, just join our Discord!
Once a week, Rev. Briar will host a group discussion in Discord that can be joined via text, audio, and/or video so that we can chat about how we’re all doing and share any experiences, thoughts, or questions that we wish.
That’s it!
Tips & Tricks
If you don’t know where to start, try this out:
- Take a few minutes to yourself. Some days may be shorter and some longer – that’s okay.
- Say a prayer to a deity of your choosing, an ancestor, spirit, or just recite an inspiring poem. You could even play a meaningful song. If you’re interested in praying to the divinities of our tradition, you’ll find some examples below.
- If possible, do something special to signify to yourself that this is a special moment that you’re taking for yourself and your spirit. Light a candle or some incense, sit in a certain posture, wear a specific shawl or scarf, or just hold onto a special token like a stone or pendant. Or anything else that feels appropriate to you – but do something that helps you reify that this is a special moment devoted to your spirit.
- Think a bit on the theme and/or intent for that day. This can be as long or short as possible, but please do give the concept at least a moment’s consideration.
- If time and energy allows, write down any thoughts you’ve had.
Or just do the Fellowship’s Daily Devotion!
You can find that on the website here.
Set reminders and, if desired, track your progress.
You could use a calendar, pen and paper, the Discord channel, or any number of other methods to keep track of your journey. There are a number of quality mobile apps that can help! Try searching your phone’s app store for tasklist, habit building, or routine building apps. Ask in the Discord channel for specific recommendations!
Pair this up with something else you do every day.
If you have a daily routine or task that you feel could help, then combine it with this spiritual reflection for ease.
Most importantly, be gentle with yourself.
This can’t really be overstated; spiritual practice like this is meant to add peace and reflection into your life – not stress or self-criticism. Focus on intention and try to set aside expectations. You’re not hurting anything by missing some days.
Prayer Examples
These are simply modified from the text on our available prayer cards – use these directly, as inspiration, or truncate them if they’re longer than desired. Or write your own, or omit the prayer altogether and focus on the theme reflection.
Prayer to the Healer
Healer, queer physician to both gods and mortals, cunning serpent of the healing well and verdant garden, I honor and thank you. I ask for your blessing as I walk the labyrinth, for both healing and the ability to heal.
Lift up queer bodies in health and power, and show us the path to caring for ourselves as both individuals and as a community. Purify our souls in wells of compassion and strengthen our hands for the work before us.
Healer, spirit-mender and flaming heart, bless me from body to breath, bones to blood. Open for me the roads to vitality so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of the brilliant Sun, I seek to realize Inspiration & Creativity in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.
Prayer to the Liberator
Sacred Liberator, Holy Guardian of the Queer and Marginalized, ungendered and all-gendered, I honor and thank you. I ask for your blessing as I walk the labyrinth, for balance in life and self.
Show us the dance between moonlight and starfire where ecstasis dwells. Strip me of every glamour that I have not chosen, make of me a mirror in which I can always see myself. Reveal the balance of the spinning, star-filled sky.
Liberator, profaned-minister to the wild and the broken, bless me from body to breath, bones to blood. Open for me the roads to ecstasy so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of the shifting Moon, I seek to realize Healing & Reflection in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.
Prayer to the Warrior
Warrior, sacred activist and queer champion, Labyrinth-knight and star-tamer, I honor and thank you. I ask for your blessing as I walk the labyrinth, for strength in both heart and hand.
Guide us down the path of resistance; towards the flames of transformation. Help us to hone our fury, pain, and love into weapons against bigotry and hatred. Make a crucible of the open heart. Fill it with starlight and flame.
Warrior, wielder of the light-tipped spear, bless me from body to breath, bones to blood. Open for me the roads to strength so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of fiery Mars, I seek to realize Action & Will in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.
Prayer to the Divine Twins
Divine Twins, Youth and Explorer walking hand in hand, I honor and thank you. I ask for your blessings as I walk the labyrinth, for the queer spark of fascination and daring that sets me a forward path.
Carry the light of your touch into queer hearts; awaken our spirits and bless our paths as we explore a changing world. Tell us a story of life and love and the unquenchable hope of the rousing earth. Open our eyes to the light of the stars and spark a revolution in our souls.
Divine Twins, sacred fools and holy wanderers, bless me from body to breath, from bones to blood. Open for me the roads to wonder and courage so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of swift Mercury, I seek to realize Inspiration & Creativity in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.
Prayer to the Elder
Elder, Divine Parent and Queer Mentor, beloved of all queer families; I ask for your blessing as I walk the labyrinth, for the understanding of experience and the ability to tell our tales.
Bless our community with the lessons of generations past and kindle the fire that warms us through our darkest times. Guide me through the wilds of silence and speech, make of me a beacon that lights the way for others.
Elder, Ruler of the sleeping forest and the roaring flame, bless me from body to breath, bones to blood. Open for me the roads to wisdom so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of majestic Jupiter, I seek to realize Sovereignty & Safety in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.
Prayer to the Lover
Lover, Dancer in the space between hearts, Sacred Whore and Bringer of Plenty, I honor and thank you. I ask for your blessing as I walk the labyrinth, for a heart as open as the cloudless sky.
Fill us with music when we forget our own songs and bless our throats as we sing them again. Open the sky and release the rain; teach us to let our hearts bloom like a flower. Reveal the icon behind every mirror.
Queer Lover, sacred light in every shining eye, bless me from body to breath, bones to blood. Open for me the roads to connection so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of bright Venus, I seek to realize Beauty & Connection in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.
Prayer to the Mystic
Queer Mystic, Mad Guide to spirits both carnate and ephemeral, Hanged-One and Light-Bringer, I honor and thank you. I ask for your blessing as I walk the labyrinth, for revelation through every sense I possess.
Reveal to me the light of the Seven-Rayed Star and the dark heart of the churning Cauldron. Guide my spirit down twisting, twilight roads to the light behind the darkness. Open the way to the spiral of existence and the starry firmament on which gods walk.
Mystic, Holy Walker in Dreams and in Stars, bless me from body to breath, bones to blood. Open for me the roads to gnosis so that I might go forward into the world, renewed by the bonds of our Fellowship.
With your guidance and the favor of proud Saturn, I seek to realize Boundaries & Duty in myself, my life, and my community.
If desired and should time allow, reflect on these concepts and how they might manifest in your self and life.
I connect myself to you, to the Phoenix, and to our community. I stoke the queer flame in my heart, offer gratitude for that gift, and pledge to carry it forward into the world.
I honor you always in the circle of my life.
Ta kya te.

If you’re a visual person, your focus might be assisted by this image; when oriented so that the appropriate planet for the day is on top, the appropriate divine sigil is below the planetary symbol.
As currently oriented, for instance, the symbol for Saturn is at the top of the star and the sigil for the Mystic is at the base, which would be the orientation used for the Saturday prayer.