How to Help
The Fellowship of the Phoenix offers a safe space for our community to celebrate Queer and Earth-focused mysteries together. We are working to expand our educational and outreach efforts through regular classes, annual retreats, and the planning of future wide-scale publications. In order to bring these offerings to community as a 501(c)3 religious non-profit we depend on your donations. Please consider donating to our projects below.
Since the majority of our work is done at a local level through our Temples, most opportunities to volunteer with us will be through those Temples. Keep an eye on the Facebook pages and events for Chicago or Seattle for what they have going on.
Both temples are often looking for queer/pagan friendly photographers or graphic designers who offer pro bono or discounted services. There are also occasional community-focused volunteer opportunities for events like outdoor clean-ups or larger community events.
Otherwise, the national-level organization is always looking for generous professionals who may be willing to offer their services for discounted or free rates. We are always happy to speak to anyone who can help us in the following ways:
- Grant writers
- Graphic designers
- Copy Editors