Organizational Structure
Membership in the Fellowship of the Phoenix is open to all queer/LGBTQ+ people over the age of 18. Members are any individuals who have successfully completed our novitiate training program and undergone our Rite of Passage.
Mentors are those members who have proven, through both service and a series of completed trainings, that they are able to serve as resources for the mysteries of our tradition. The precise process for becoming a mentor is unique to each individual temple.
The Clergy are graduates of the Fellowship’s seminary and mentors of the Fellowship. They are committed to serving our community by providing high quality rituals, workshops, and spiritual counseling. If you are interested in having us present a workshop, create a ritual, preside over a life event such as a Handfasting (wedding) or Funeral, or are seeking spiritual guidance, we warmly invite you to contact us for more information.
Each temple maintains four standing committees that assist with the work and direction of our Order, both in the community and offering suggestions for personal work of individual members.
- Activism – this committee helps to identify and promote causes, including environmental and social justice work, which members can help out with either on their own or as part of the work of the Fellowship.
- Outreach – this committee works to identify and promote other groups within our intersecting communities (both pagan and queer) that members or the temple can partner with and support.
- Education – this committee is responsible for producing the Fellowship’s classes and workshops, both for the public and for the membership.
- Ritual Creation – this committee is in charge of our public holidays and celebrations. They work to craft rituals that speak to the community and are in line with the messages of Divinity and the spirits of our Order.
The Council of Guardians
The Council of Guardians is the local administrative and governing body for each temple of the Fellowship. The Council of Guardians consists of seven officers who oversee the business and administrative aspects of their particular temple. Each position lasts for a term of two years and may be filled by any member of the local temple, in good standing, and duly elected by vote of the membership.
The roles of the Council are practical, symbolic and magically potent. The Fellowship’s system of symbols was created to unfold at different levels of membership. That being said, the following descriptions are offered to give the basic principles, and responsibilities of each officer.
The Sentinel is the protector of the entire Order and often stands by the door to guard against disruptions during the Fellowship’s rituals, classes or other workings. The Sentinel also handles matters related to the safety of the participants, including any interaction with law enforcement or other emergency staff.
The Scribe’s duty is to record the proceedings of the Order, to prepare all official documents and to have custody of our sacred seal. They maintain possession of the Order’s business and sacred documents as well as printed resources for members and seekers.
The Bursar is responsible for the custody of all funds and resources of the Order and manage them as directed by the Constitution and Bylaws and the Will of the Order. The Bursar creates the Budget of the Order and lists our funds and assets so that we have a constant reminder of the Order’s Finances.
The Herald is the officer who introduces the seeker to the balance of business matters and magical work, both practical and spiritual energies. As such, they are responsible for maintaining the educational curriculum and its development.
The Warder protects the symbols and mysteries of the Fellowship, and is responsible for the Membership of the Order. Both the Warder and the Sentinel will remove disruptive influences from all meetings or rituals of the Fellowship.
The Guardian’s duty is to proclaim the Temple open and closed, and to make certain that the Fellowship functions as a whole. The Guardian assists the Magister in their work and takes up that role upon the Magister’s absence from the Temple.
The Magister is the presiding officer of the Order. Their duty is to preside fairly and impartially over the Temple, to keep order during its meetings, and to carry out all other work as detailed in the Constitution and Bylaws and Will of the Order. Along with the Guardian, they will look for those who would excel at and enjoy leadership positions and help train them for leadership positions within the Order.
The Council of Elders
The Council of Elders consists of eight individuals who act as trustees for the National Order. They oversee the work of each Council of Guardians and issue charters for new temples. Positions in the Council of Elders last either 3 or 7 years depending on the position.
In addition to the 7 positions listed above one of the Elders bears the title Ombudsman. This is the trustee that has the most frequent and direct connection to individual temples of the Fellowship, and is responsible for reporting back to the Council of Elders. The Ombudsman is the trustee to contact if you are interested in establishing a Temple of the Fellowship.
Each summer the Council of Elders hosts a Congress to discuss the work of the Order. Magisters from each temple are also present and deliver a summary of their Temple’s work before the Congress. The assembled group collectively participate in the business and voting matters that concern the Order as a whole.